Friday, January 21, 2011


What happened in record time shows the depth of the crisis and exacerbated the sense of injustice, as evidenced by the authority is failing to respond to the demands of the people on the financial level because the state's resources monopolized by a small group of individuals,
While suffering the majority of young people for a living.
Either at the political level, the system rejects any authoritarian power-sharing.

Demanded by young people is very simple,
Which is to provide job opportunities to protect them from poverty and need.
But the people informed and educated,
And knows that he will not improve the standard of living of the people unless the changed political situation.
This link between the demands of economic and political demands,
And raise the slogan: bread, freedom, dignity and national.

Power, but did not provide the security solution,
A crackdown on the demonstrations harshly, and made promises to provide thousands of jobs, which everyone knows it will not be achieved

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